- Now that you are blogging, where do you want to take it? Is
is just an exercise or will you start building your readership through
your own RSS feed?
I have already set up a test blog for
IFLA/FAIFE, which should be appearing soon. After that, I will hopefully be adding a WordPress blog to my own
website, with various feeds/blogrolls.
- So you've found some good blog reads. Are
you sharing these finds with others? How are you doing that? Through
blogrolls on your blog? Through contributing to wikis and other
collaborative content? By sharing a My Yahoo or iGoogle page?
I am already various blog reads via the
FAIFE-L mailing list, while waiting on the
new IFLA website to become active with the FAIFE blog. I have made a few additions to
Wikipedia, but do not particularly like My Yahoo or iGoogle as prefer to have more control. I also use
Linkedin &
Facebook for collaboration.
- Now
that you are reading more blogs more regularly through the use of your
feed reader, how are you going to use that knowledge both personally
and professionally?
I am already using these personally to stay aware of world events & things of personal interest. Professionally I use them to feed into my professional associations & committees; later they will be extremely useful in future employment, to keep clients up to date & allowing them to manage their own information.
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