Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Locate a few useful library related blogs and/or news feeds - Reflections.

Locate a few useful library related blogs and/or news feeds - Reflections.

  • Now that you are blogging, where do you want to take it? Is
    is just an exercise or will you start building your readership through
    your own RSS feed?
I have already set up a test blog for IFLA/FAIFE, which should be appearing soon. After that, I will hopefully be adding a WordPress blog to my own website, with various feeds/blogrolls.
  • So you've found some good blog reads. Are
    you sharing these finds with others? How are you doing that? Through
    blogrolls on your blog? Through contributing to wikis and other
    collaborative content? By sharing a My Yahoo or iGoogle page?
I am already various blog reads via the FAIFE-L mailing list, while waiting on the new IFLA website to become active with the FAIFE blog. I have made a few additions to Wikipedia, but do not particularly like My Yahoo or iGoogle as prefer to have more control. I  also use Linkedin & Facebook for collaboration.

  • Now
    that you are reading more blogs more regularly through the use of your
    feed reader, how are you going to use that knowledge both personally
    and professionally?
I am already using these personally to stay aware of world events & things of personal interest. Professionally I use them to feed into my professional associations & committees; later they will be extremely useful in future employment, to keep clients up to date & allowing them to manage their own information.

Week 5 RSS & Newsreaders -Challenge

Week 5 RSS & Newsreaders -Challenge

On Bloglines

1. Add a Bloglines Subscribe button to your web browser to make it super easy to subscribe as your browse. Bloglines tells you how here.

Given that my Newsreader is not Bloglines - this is not really applicable. The integration between Firefox & RSSOwl is getting better & should provide the same functionality soon.
2. Feeling really brave? You can try sharing your feeds on your blog. Bloglines tells you how here.

I prefer the Google Reader sharing, it allows for a chronological feed rather than a BlogRoll (ie. seperated into feed sources) - see the "Censorship via MarkP" section on my blog.

Week 5 RSS & Newsreaders - 23 Things - SLA's Wiki Spaces

Week 5 RSS & Newsreaders - 23 Things - SLA's Wiki Spaces

Reflections: Localize your learningsAsk Yourself

* How will using a feed reader change my web experience

I have been using a feed reader for a while (RSSOwl), which has enabled a much easier tracking of information from various sources, replacing many email list subscriptions & visits to websites. It also enables faster dissemination of such information to interested colleagues, etc.

* How can I use a feed reader to optimize my professional development?

I use my feed reader to stay up to date with various professional associations, library IT / law / general developments. It also alerts me to online training opportunities, often free (eg. SLA's 23 things).

* Can we use RSS feeds to enhance a resource we are currently providing to our users?

Definitely. Not only can it automate certain resources such as alerts & news, but also broaden the resources available. However, it is important not to forget that certain users do not have RSS feed readers, so that other routes may also need to be made available.

* Do RSS feeds help us to think about a new set of resources we can provide to our users?

Yes, if combined with blogs - it can allow user input via comments; plus, given that RSS feeds are multimedia, podcasts, videos, images can also be provided.

France - Journalist from state-owned television station France 3 asked to reveal sources for report about Moroccan arrest warrants

- Journalist from state-owned television station France 3 asked to
reveal sources for report about Moroccan arrest warrants

France - Journalist from state-owned television station France 3 asked to reveal sources for report about Moroccan arrest warrants

(RSF/IFEX) - Reporters Without Borders is exasperated to learn that Joseph Tual, a journalist with the French state-owned TV station France 3, was questioned on 20 November 2008 by a court in Lille on suspicion of "violating professional confidentiality" in a report about new developments in the investigation into the 1965 disappearance of Moroccan opposition politician Medhi Ben Barka in Paris.

Sunday, 2 November 2008

10. Create a blog post about anything technology related that interests you this week

  • Which Web 2.0 technology have you found most challenging so far? Why?
Delicious - very new form of 'bookmarking'; difficult to separate what I wish to be public & that which is personal. Plus, the networking side is not yet clear, perhaps Delicious will remedy this is a new release
  • Which is most likely to effect the way you do your work, or the way that you support your organization?
RSS & Mashups* have definitely already changed my working patterns, plus the way I follow the news.
  • What are your thoughts on the longevity of these products? Are they here to stay or just a flash in the pan?
Here to stay in one form or another, although some of the more purely 'gadget' products may disappear...

*One area I definitely would like  to research more is that of Mashups, but particularly 'data mashups'; an excellent video series introducing this is "Making Mashups with Info 2.0 - part 1 of 7"

I am also looking forward to the '23 things' sessions on sharing feeds on my own blog (differing  from blogrolls I suppose), rolling my own search tool with Rollyo and adding an entry to the Learning 2.0 sandbox wiki (wikis being another area I would like to get into)

Saturday, 1 November 2008

9. Have some Flickr fun and discover some Flickr mashups & 3rd party sites.

I like the idea of mashups - but not particularly with Flickr or images, I think maps & data would be more interesting; although I can see that creating slide shows could be useful...